J F Retail Display Pty Ltd. commits to preserve the privacy of all visitors to our website at Please read the following privacy policy to understand how we use and protect your information.

By registering or sending enquiry through this website, you consent to the collection, use and transfer of your information under the terms of this policy.
You may be asked to provide certain information including your name, contact details and other related personal information while sending enquiry and making a registration on
We may also collect information about your usage of our website as well as e-mails or letters you send to us.
Your information which we collect will enable us to contact you or send information to you if it is necessary for your orders or enquires. We will also use and analyze the information as well as we can administer, support, improve and develop our business.
Occasionally, we may use your information to contact you for reviewing on our service quality and informing you about important changes or developments to the website. Furthermore, we may also send our products and services information to you which you may interest by email. In case, you change your mind on being contacted, please contact us.
The information you provide to us may be accessed by or given to third parties who act for us for the purposes set out in this policy or other purposes approved by you. We may also pass aggregate information on the usage of our website to third parties but this never include information that can be used to identify you.
In Case, if our business enters into a joint venture with or is sold to or merged with another business entity, your information may have to be disclosed to our new partners or owners. Unless required to do so by law, we will not share, sell or distribute any of your information without your permission. We will always ensure that your information is used by third parties according to this policy.
Cookies are small amounts of information which we may store on your computer. Unless you have indicated your objection when disclosing your details to us, our system will issue cookies to your computer when you log on to the site. Cookies make it easier for you to log on and use the site. In addition, they allow us to monitor website traffic and personalize the site content for you. If you do not wish to receive cookies in the future, please contact us at
We use precise security system to protect your information from access by unauthorized persons and against illegal processing, destruction and damage. We will retain your information for a reasonable period or as long as the law requires.

You are entitled to see the information about you and you may notice us if there is any necessary changes to ensure that your information is updated and accurate. If you wish to do this, please contact us at

Any changes to our privacy policy in the future will be posted to the website but without any notification.

All comments, queries and requests relating to our use of your information are welcomed and should be addressed to